Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Ethics Of Stem Cells - 2828 Words

As technology and science are continually progressing there are always bioethical questions that appear ranging from science related questions to morality based questions. One question that stands out is â€Å"Should scientists be held to some standard of integrity and honesty?† This is widely debated question that has been around for a while now after a lot of public controversy over past research experiments that call out the moral issues about science. People are concerned about the honesty about science of how research will be shown to society and how scientists will perform their research without being corrupt. Most of the research that scientists do is to fully understand the fundamental questions of biology and also help†¦show more content†¦In Vitro Fertilization is the largest potential source for getting blastocysts for this type of research as it provides a major source of embryonic stem cells. During nuclear transfer, the nucleus of a differentiated a dult stem cell is inserted to a donated egg that has no nucleus. This egg then is stimulated to form a blastocyst from where embryonic stem cells can be taken from. This type of procedure up to this point hasn’t been successful with human embryonic stem cells but with animals has been accomplished. The adult stem cells are found in some organs in the body and are being used in therapies to treat some diseases. Some of the known sources for adult stem cells so far are in the bone marrow, blood, brain, eyes, liver, muscle, and skin. Scientists can so far identify some stem cells by their markers and/or by their behavior in laboratories but yet finding stem cells is still difficult. Research on stem cells is widely pursued because it is known that most diseases arise through loss of single type of cell or tissue so scientists are hopeful that by using stem cells major diseases could be cured with therapies involving these cells. So far success has been established through bl ood and skin transplants that have been able to help people which have given hope for more therapies for different diseases. Victims of severe burns have been able to see benefits from this as this technology has let them receive skin

Monday, December 23, 2019

Negative Effects Of Cruelty In Frankenstein - 1505 Words

In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, cruelty is often the result when a character’s actions are only focused on themselves. These actions are caused when the person emotions are never based around others. Their arrogant emotions cause them to be unable to see the consequences of their actions and the effect on the others around them. This is shown by both the villagers and Victor Frankenstein since they are absorbed in their own emotions that they neglect to focus on the negative impact that they have on others. Although these consequences are unintentional, they are drastic in the outcome produced. In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, a character’s unintentional cruelty often causes them to create pain and conflict for someone else, which shows†¦show more content†¦He leaves the Creature with no one to support him when he needs it the most. Because of Frankenstein, the Creature is now alone and is forced to fend for himself in a world that he knows nothing abo ut. The Creature has a very low chance for survival on his own, and this could have been prevented by Frankenstein. This is very cruel of him to leave the Creature in such an awful position. However, when Frankenstein leaves the Creature stranded on his own, he is not doing so intentionally. He has already proven his dedication to the Creature, but once he is formed, Frankenstein cannot handle everything that just occurred. He can only process enough to realize his own emotions at the time, and act on them, which causes him to run. Frankenstein is not trying to hurt the Creature on purpose, even though this is an outcome of his actions. However, Frankenstein’s abandonment of the Creature later has negative outcomes that affect the rest of mankind. He creates a distrust of humans in the Creature, which then impacts his views of all humans. The Creatures yells, â€Å"Unfeeling, heartless creator! You had endowed me with perceptions and passions, and then cast me abroad an object for the scorn and horror of mankind...I determined to seek justice which I vainly attempted to gain from any other being that wore the human form.†(Shelley 94). When the Creature finds out that even his creator is disgusted by him and wants nothing to do with him, he naturally becomes frustrated. HeShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Isolation In Frankenstein1077 Words   |  5 PagesIsolation in Frankenstein The consequences of isolation can be both physical and emotional. For the characters in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, isolation does both in varying degrees.Through Victor’s self-destructive path for knowledge and revenge, the creature’s descent from curiosity and benevolence to misery and revenge, and Walton’s journey to the Arctic, Mary Shelley explores the theme of isolation in that whether it is intentional or not, isolation only leads to negative consequences. 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The sci entific revolution was well underway and set to become the new religion. Hume attempted to strip the omnipotence of both divinity and reason and place it squarely on humanRead MoreIn Vitro Meat2323 Words   |  10 PagesThe need for livestock farms would become obsolete; therefore animals could live free range. In vitro meat would lead to a better overall health for those who choose to eat it and less harmful effects on the environment. It could replace standard meat currently eaten and it would erase all animal cruelty, harm, and intentional death. Some skeptics opposed to cultured meat may argue that to get started further than what has already been invested into research, the whole conversion would be entirelyRead MoreFrankenstein Study Guide14107 Words   |  57 PagesTHE GLENCOE LITERATURE LIBRARY Study Guide for Frankenstein by Mary Shelley i To the Teachern The Glencoe Literature Library presents full-length novels and plays bound together with shorter selections of various genres that relate by theme or topic to the main reading. Each work in the Library has a two-part Study Guide that contains a variety of resources for both you and your students. Use the Guide to plan your instruction of the work and enrich your classroom presentations. InRead MoreBlack Humor in America2112 Words   |  9 Pagestowards a tragic event. One of the biggest misconceptions about black humor is that it involves race. Black humor is not a form of African American humor but rather it is used in literature, drama, and film to express the absurdity, paradox and cruelty of the modern world (Black, Columbia). This form of comedy is often reflective of the situations going on in the world. One example of this is the movie Dr. Strangelove, a film about nuclear war, being created during the Cold War era. There areRead MoreCan I Get Gmo s With That?2318 Words   |  10 Pagescreation of these animals is a crime and goes against animal rights. On the other side of the fence we have the people who see these practices as a way of letting the animals live a better life because they can no longer feel the amount of animal cruelty that happens within the farms and slaughterhouses. Unfortunately, the Environmental Protection Agency has not considered this as a crime and has done nothing to stop the research of creating animals tha t are non-sentient. Another product that theseRead MoreStevensons Use of Technique to Present Character and Atmosphere in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde3297 Words   |  14 Pagesenter our lives as part of English cultural mythology. As well as Stevenson’s ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ there also includes, Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ as well as Bram Stokers ‘Dracula’ which are both Gothic Horror stories. All three stories are to do with science, for example Dr Jekyll used power to swap his personality and Frankenstein created a monster out of dead body parts. I think that the Victorians liked this novel because it explored ideas of the duality betweenRead More New Classics of the Horror Film Genre Essay3002 Words   |  13 PagesDracula. Frankenstein. Godzilla. These monsters no longer strike fear into the hearts of viewers as they once did. Formerly the villains of the classic monster movie, these relics, who now represent all that is archaic in horror film history. The monster movie of the past makes way for the thriller or slasher movie of the present, while the monster villain gives its role to the deranged, psychotic serial killer. Friday the 13th series, Nightmare on Elm Street, Copycat and Seven have become theRead MoreInterpretation of the Text13649 Words   |  55 Pagesworld of a literary work Literature is writing that can be read in many ways. We can read it as a form of history, biography, or autobiography. We can read it as an example of linguistic structures or rhetorical conventions manipulated for special effect. We can view it as a material product of the culture that produced it. We c an see it as an expression of beliefs and values of a particular class. We can also see a work of literature as a selfcontained structure of words - as writing that calls attention

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Education Gap and Social Mobility Free Essays

â€Å"America may be the land of opportunities, but it is also the land of inequalities†(Lareau, pg3). The American dream is perceived to be obtainable for everyone, not on a rigid class structure, but the rising concern of an educational gap and social mobility presents a new theory that may deviate this notion. Throughout Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life, by Annette Lareau, Racial and Ethnic Stratification in Education Achievement and Attainment, by Grace Koa and Jennifer S. We will write a custom essay sample on Education Gap and Social Mobility or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thompson, and the black-white test score gap, by George Farkas, each with its own approach, analyze the pre-exiting relationship between race, ethnicity, social class, and the academic performance and achievement attainment of different counterparts. Essentially, each with its own childrearing practices that could pertain to the level of success an individual is exposed to. Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life, is a sociological study that draws in-depth observations of black and white middle-class, working-class, and poor families. Author Annette Lareau, introduces the power of the social class and their limitations in which may either benefit or become a disadvantage for some. While the important of social class is often overlooked, Lareau ventures out to disprove the notion that this country is â€Å"fundamentally open. † While the common belief is that people who demonstrate hard work, effort and talent, uphold equal life chances, and are capable of achieving upward mobility, Lareau challenges the idea that success is solely in the hands of the individual, but more so the parent’s social location that systematically shapes a child’s daily life. While observing numerous counterparts, she argues that social categories are important to conclude in order to help understand the behavior of family members and their routine of their daily lives. Annette Lareau develops and introduces two types of childrearing practices, concerted cultivation and the accomplishment of natural growth. Among her notion that social class is pertinent to a child’s outcome, it is also derived from the childrearing practices of a parent. While concerted cultivation provides a child of middle class more opportunities, it may also come with a weighted cost. As for natural growth, it provides an individual with kinship and the ability to attain relationships, but withdrawals the opportunity to proficient in a school or professional setting. Essentially Lareau focuses on social class and child-rearing practices to provide evidence and prove her theory about social inequality. How to cite Education Gap and Social Mobility, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Battles Of The Civil War Essay Research free essay sample

Battles Of The Civil War Essay, Research Paper John Brown one time said, Now, if it is deemed necessary that I should give up my life for the promotion of the terminals of justness, and mix my blood further with the blood of my kids and with the blood of 1000000s in this slave state whose leotardss are disregarded by wicked, barbarous, and unfair passages, # 8211 ; I submit ; so allow it be done! He believed that the lone manner to free bondage from the United States was through bloodshed. He was right in stating this because on April 12, 1861, the American Civil War began. It was the most destructive war of all time fought in the Western Hemisphere. In footings of human life it was besides one of the most dearly-won wars. There were many different grounds for the Civil War, bondage being the prevailing ground. The immediate ground for the Civil War was the battle between the North and South over Fort Sumter. We will write a custom essay sample on Battles Of The Civil War Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lincoln had given South Carolina the pick of either allowing the garrison to keep out or unfastened fire with its shore batteries. In answer, the Southerners commenced fire. The onslaught on Fort Sumter and its gaining control angered many Northerners and began a loyal battle to salvage the brotherhood. One of the first major conflicts of the Civil War was the Battle of Bull Run. Federal military personnels, amounting to 30,000 marched from Washington, D.C. , to assail the Confederate forces positioned near Bull Run Creek at Manassas Junction, Virginia. The Union forces were close to triumph until Confederate supports sent Union military personnels into a retreat back to Washington. This conflict boosted moral of the South and lowered the North s. The North s hope for a short war was shattered. The B attle of Antietam illustrates how bloody the Civil War really was. Lee led his ground forces across the Potomac into enemy district. He hoped that a major Confederate triumph in the North would convert Britain to back up the Confederacy. McClellan, commanding officer of the Union ground forces had intercepted Lee s program and the invading Confederates at Antietam Creek. This was the bloodiest twenty-four hours of all conflicts that went on during the Civil War. Entire casualties for both sides amounted up to over 26,000 work forces, either being killed, wounded, captured or losing. The Battle of Gettysburg was besides one of the bloodiest conflicts. On July 1,1863 Lee and the Confederate ground forces surprised the Federal soldiers at Gettysburg. Through the yearss of conflict much of the Confederate ground forces was destroyed because of Lee s finding to win the war. Much of the Confederates were left for dead and the few that remained alive retreated to Virginia. This conflict was one of the most important conflicts of the war and besides one of the bloodiest. The figure of casualties was the greatest for this conflict, adding up to over 50,000 work forces killed, wounded, losing or captured. A month before Lee surrendered his ground forces President Lincoln was assassinated. His blackwash shocked and horrified many. This was the concluding act of ferociousness during the clip period of the Civil war. John Brown was right in stating that the lone manner to free the United States of bondage is through bondage. The combat between the North and South over slavery provinces and slavery free-states had to stop. Through the loss of lives, the devastation of land and places, and the blackwash of the president the Americans rid themselves of bondage

Friday, November 29, 2019

Interpreting God

Introduction Every culture and religion has its own unique traditions, views, and ways of living and as such, it comes as no surprise that such a divergence would also include unique perspectives on God and his inherent relationship with humanity.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Interpreting God specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this paper what will be explored are the different perspectives of Christianity, Islam and Judaism regarding God and how these views factor into their fundamental understanding of their relationship with God. It is expected that by the end of this paper readers will be able to learn of unique facets of each individual religion and how their views are formed in light of their individual interpretations of the Almighty. Rejection of the Holy Trinity and Jesus as the Son of Man One of the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith is its focus on the holy trinity which is composed of G od the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit each aspect, while separate, is part of God as a greater whole and thus comprises the fundamental interpretation of God under Christian Theology. For Islam, such an interpretation goes against its fundamental concept of monotheism referred to as tawhid. This is not to say that the Christian faith is centered on a belief in a triumvirate of three distinct Gods rather under Christian theology the holy trinity is the manner in which God chooses to reveal himself to humanity and each aspect delves into a particular nature of his being. For Christians the Holy Trinity cannot be considered distinct separate parts of the whole but rather a combined being with aspects that are beyond human comprehension to successfully interpret and are thus perceived as three distinct aspects of one single entity. Under the Islamic faith such a view can be considered blasphemous since it is an affront to the Muslim concept of Shahadah which is a creed in I slam which states that God is a unique and indivisible being (Volf, 20). In this case the Holy Trinity is thus viewed as polytheistic since under Islam God cannot be separated into different aspects but rather is a unique whole that cannot be separated (Volf, 20). In fact, it is based on this particular view that Islam rejects the idea of Jesus Christ as the son of God since under the tawhid there is but one God and is thus incomparable, indivisible and is not part of humanity at all. Judaism has a similar stance regarding God being indivisible and not having multiple persons within the same deity, in fact, such a view reflects the same tenets as the â€Å"oneness† described in Islamic texts which place an emphasis on the â€Å"oneness† and uniqueness of the Lord (Novak, 17). Such a view may explain the initial reaction of the Pharisees regarding Jesus as the son of God since for them God cannot be divisible into different aspects (The Gospel according To St. Mark, 1 à ¢â‚¬â€œ 50).Advertising Looking for term paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This particular view goes against the Christian view that Jesus was the son of God that died for our sins and thus redeemed us all (The Gospel According To St. Mark, 1 – 50). To accept the Islamic view regarding an indivisible God is to reject the very basis of Christianity which is largely based upon the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity as the basis for its faith (Sumney, 329). For Christians, Jesus really was the son of God born through the miracle of Immaculate Conception in order to redeem the sins of humanity. Christianity and Islam actually do agree that Jesus was sent by God but Islam argues that Jesus was merely a messenger and not divine while Christianity focuses on the divinity of Jesus as the cornerstone of its faith (Chappel, Woelfel, Auerbach, Buller, Chapter 7). To accept the Christian vi ew is to call into question the â€Å"oneness† or indivisible nature of God which is also at the core of the Islamic faith. The Presence of God in All Things It is at this point that the divisiveness of both faiths is apparent and is even more pronounced when examining their individual interpretations over the presence of God. Under Christian theology it is stated that God is present in all things and in fact dwells within us all. On the other hand Islam states that God is independent of his creation and thus is not present within our worldly domain. While both religions acknowledge the fact that God has no beginning and has no end (as seen in the works of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Qur’an) the fact remains that each has a different way of perceiving how God brought about all of creation. The Islamic faith in a God that is independent of his creation has actually been conceptualized in the clockmaker theory which specifically states that while God created the Universe he is actually not actively involved in its operation which is similar to how a clock works independently of the clockmaker that made it. Such a theoretical perspective can actually also be seen in the works of St. Thomas Aquinas which advocates the intelligent design of creation and the first mover theory. In this particular approach the complexity of creation itself as well as its overall functionality entails intelligent design in its creation, thus, if there is an intelligent design there must be a designer. Furthermore the assertion of St. Thomas Aquinas that all objects are in motion because they were set into motion by another action or entity entails that there must have bene a first entity that set everything into motion yet he himself must not have been moved. Taking this into consideration, the Christian perspective entails that creation comes from God, is caused by God and thus God is a part of it (Navone, 24). Under Islam while God may have conceived of creation he did so independently from directly acting on it and merely willed it (commanded it in some interpretations) into being (Chappel, Woelfel, Auerbach, Buller, Chapter 9).Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Interpreting God specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, from the Islamic point of view, the first mover theorem is somewhat altered in that God never directly interacted with matter but rather willed it into being which is drastically different from the Christian perspective of direct interaction. This particular difference is important to point out since it sets the tone for how Christianity and Islam interpret God in creation. Since God was the first mover in Christianity and under the Christian perspective God created the Universe in stages God is thus present in every aspect of creation including ourselves (Navone, 24). Such a viewpoint is similarly reflected in Judaic theology and as such shows how both religi ons have similar origin stories. Under the Islamic perspective, since God willed (or commanded) the Universe into being he may have created it but he did it all at once and did not directly interact with it, thus he is not present within creation. In fact, when looking at the various accounts written within the Qur’an it can be seen that Allah chooses to make his message known through intermediaries rather than through direct interaction which further solidifies the notion that God does not interact with this plane of existence (Chappel, Woelfel, Auerbach, Buller, Chapter 9). Based on this the Islamic faith calls into question the divinity of Jesus since from their perspective God doesn’t directly interact with creation since he is independent of it. On the other hand since Christianity believes that creation came from God and is a part of God then it makes sense that he would choose to directly interact with it. Alternatively when examining the Judaic concept of God i t can be seen that it holds a similar concept regarding the creation of the Universe and God’s role in it. Judaic text specifically indicate that God is able to intervene in the world and as such this places the Judaic view regarding creationism and God’s place in the universe as being quite similar to the Christian understanding of God. It must be noted though that large aspects of the Jewish tradition were in fact, borrowed by Christianity as the basis of its religion and this can be seen in the old testament of the Bible itself. The difference begins starting from the New Testament onwards and how Christianity views God as a being composed of the Holy Trinity while Judaism outright rejects such a concept. As such, it can be seen that in all three religions there are aspects which are both similar and dissimilar. These particular views set the stage for interpreting Gods relationship with humanity since the difference in the presence of God in all things or the absen ce of God in our reality changes the interpretation of our relationship with God.Advertising Looking for term paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More God Created Man in His Image Within Christian theology, it is often said that man was created in God’s image and it due to this that man is unique among all other creatures within creation. In fact, it is this â€Å"uniqueness† that sets man apart from everything else that becomes the basis by which man has justified his domination over all aspects of the world today. For Islam God is incomparable and independent of creation and thus man has not been created in his image since God is beyond comprehension and thus cannot possibly resemble anything he created in any way. It is due to this that Islam outright rejects the ideas of Christianity regarding the resemblance of man to God. On the other hand Christian theology states that â€Å"created in his image† does not necessarily mean looking exactly like God but rather it can be described more along the lines of possessing his characteristics. Such a view is actually also expressed in Judaic texts and as such shows the theological basis of the Christian interpretation over what the statement â€Å"created in his image† means. Image can thus be interpreted as possessing qualities that God himself exemplifies such as being merciful, charitable, kind, compassionate, loving, creative, innovative and constantly seeing the good in people. In this regard Christian theology clarifies such misconceptions regarding the difference between â€Å"physical resemblances† to â€Å"mental resemblance† in that to be created in the image of God is to have the capacity to utilize his â€Å"image† or â€Å"model of behavior† in our daily life. Interpreting God’s Relationship with Man based on Religion One of the current misinterpretations regarding Islam is the allegations by non-Muslim groups that Allah can be described as a stern and cruel God whose rules and messages need to be obeyed fully and without alteration. Such a view is actually quite far from truth and in fac t, evidence to the contrary is reflected in the Qur’an in nearly all chapters where they state that Allah is kind, merciful and compassionate. In a manner of speaking the relationship between God and Muslims is one akin to a kind master and dutiful servant wherein the rules are expected to be followed and as a direct result God rewards such actions in the afterlife. It is not necessarily a relationship of constant prostration, subservience and fear but rather one where it is understood that for each action comes either a reward or punishment and as such it is better to follow the rules as stated by Allah rather than anger him. In the case of Christianity, aspects related to mercy, forgiveness and reward are also apparent however instead of a master and servant relationship it seems more akin to either a Sheppard and his sheep or a kind father to his children. In this particular case it is seen God has an open heart towards sinners wherein forgiveness is readily given and that God loves all whether that individual may be a devout follower or sinner. While Christianity does share several aspects related to Islam regarding following the set rules established by God the difference lies in how stringently such aspects are applied and how emphasis is placed on the fact that despite violations to the set rules God, in Christianity’s eyes, is all too willing to forgive and bring the lost sheep back into the flock, a common theme in many bible stories. Under Judaism it is stated that humans have a direct relationship with God in that God cares about humanity in the same way that humanity cares about God however in a distinct departure from both Islamic and Christian text it is stated by Judaism that people’s actions do not actually affect God positively or negatively. This particular view has its basis on the fact that since God is so mighty and omnipotent how can the actions of one man affect him positively or negatively? Thus, from this particula r view a person’s actions will lead him to good or bad ends and it is better to follow the teachings of God and be good in order for one’s life to be full of blessings. From this particular perspective the relationship between God and man is seen to be somewhat different than a master and servant, or Sheppard and sheep but seems to be more along the lines of a teacher and student. Works Cited Chappel, Sarah, James Woelfel, Stephen Auerbach, and Rachel Buller. Patterns in  Western Civilization. 4th. Kansas: 2007. Print. Navone, John. â€Å"The Creator’s Presence And Activity In Creation.† Homiletic Pastoral  Review 111.2 (2010): 24. MasterFILE Complete. Web. Novak, Michael. â€Å"Another Islam.† First Things: A Monthly Journal Of Religion Public  Life 127 (2002): 17. Academic Search Premier. Web. Sumney, Jerry L. â€Å"The Place of 1 Corinthians 9†¦24-27 In Paul’s Argument.† Journal Of  Biblical Literature 119.2 (2000): 329. Academic Search Premier. Web. The Gospel According To St. Mark : Authorized (King James) Version. Project Gutenberg, n.d. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. Volf, Miroslav. â€Å"Allah and the Trinity.† Christian Century 128.5 (2011): 20. MasterFILE  Premier. Web. This term paper on Interpreting God was written and submitted by user Kathleen Ball to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

General Environment Analysis for Hsbc in Mainland China Essays

General Environment Analysis for Hsbc in Mainland China Essays General Environment Analysis for Hsbc in Mainland China Essay General Environment Analysis for Hsbc in Mainland China Essay Economy -We know the high velocity of China’s turning economic system. With the development of the economic system in China. Chinese customers’ ingestion power has been traveling up. More people are accepting the ingestion ways such as recognition card and installment program. -Not merely persons. little and average sized endeavors play important functions in China’s economic system. Since China’s reform and open-door policy. immense sum of little and average sized endeavors come out. They demand capital and it is comparatively harder for them to acquire it so they rely more on Bankss. Demography Middle Class in China is turning and they own stronger purchase ability and at the same clip they got the sense of investing. : Political/ Legal Since come ining the WTO and in December 2006. China officially opened the banking industry to the universe. which means that foreign Bankss are able to carry on RMB concern in China. However. every move of the foreign Bankss are regulated by the China Banking Regulatory Commission. For illustration. the loan-to-deposit ratio must be purely controlled within 75 % . Therefore. how to fulfill this figure and how to cover with the numerator and denominator are what HSBC needs to take into consideration. Technological The development of Internet has led to the prosperity of e-commerce. HSBC might see collaborating with such related companies like some online shops and payment platforms to spread out the retail concern. Global The devastation of the fiscal crisis on the planetary economic system had in peculiar impact on the parent bank of HSBC. and this has necessarily affected the subordinates in China. Sociocultural Traditionally. Chinese people prefer salvaging than puting. As for investing. people prefer low-risk fiscal merchandises. Low-risk with high-return investing merchandises will be the one sort people pursue.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Michael Phelps Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Michael Phelps - Speech or Presentation Example "Having completed his Olympics gold rush, U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps is now poised to make another haul -- this time of the endorsement variety. Phelps already is collecting about $5 million a year in endorsement checks from companies like Visa -- payments that came after he won six gold medals during the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. His performance in Beijing, where he won a record eight gold medals, puts him in line to earn much more." (Endorsements pure gold for Phelps, 2008). According to David Harrow of the National Sports Lawyers Association, Michael Phelps may be at $30, $40, $50 million a year in endorsements and there are various other reports suggesting such huge amounts as his endorsements. It is also obvious that Phelps collected a million-dollar bonus from one his sponsors even before the Beijing Olympics. More than his gold medals, the world records that were broken by Phelps contributed to his fame considerably and he has already broken thirty-seven world rec ords in swimming.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A kid who currently doesn't have insurance and is being transported to Research Paper

A kid who currently doesn't have insurance and is being transported to another hospital with asthma and pneumonia - Research Paper Example These include the patient’s health condition, the mode of transport, and distance between the two hospitals, among others (University of Maryland, 2009, p. 47). The type of medical equipment required to transport a patient has an impact on the financial weight of patient transport. The sort of medical equipment needed is dependent on the health condition of the patient. A patient with a condition of heart disease would require adequate systems to be present within the transport vehicle; enabling the staff to deal with any complications that may arise during transport. This translates into a larger financial burden on the patient. In this case the child transported has asthma and pneumonia. Asthma and pneumonia are not as severe and critical as heart disease. However, the equipment required for transportation still consists of expensive devices such as Cardiac monitors, pulse oximeter, oxygen delivery system, and intubation equipment including others (Jaimovich & Vidyasgar, 200 2, p. 236). The distance between the two hospitals is crucial in deciding the means of transport. For small distances; intra city transport, ground vehicles are ideal. For large distances; intercity transport, air transport is preferred.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Canton Village Restaurant Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Canton Village Restaurant - Research Paper Example Accordingly, the Chang family boasts generations of cooks, restaurateurs and business people.   Prior to the creation of the Canton Village, the Chang family opened a series of restaurants in the bustling core of San Francisco's Chinatown. Unfortunately, these restaurants ultimately failed but provided the Chang family with the motivation to start a new life in Los Angeles. When the Canton Village restaurant first opened in 1971, the wives of the Chang family were in the kitchen creating the delicacies which would one day make this restaurant well known throughout Los Angeles in the Chinatown neighborhood. As a Los Angeles-based family venture, the Canton Village has withstood the test of time and business has continued in an upward progression for more than 38 years. Speaking with the owner, Mr. Chang, his recipe for success has been a staple of Cantonese chow mein and the desire to always please his customers. According to Mr. Chang, this has been the secret to success over the l ast 38 years and the Cantonese village has been able to weather a series of economic storms including the current global economic crisis. As mentioned above, the Cantonese village restaurant was started by five brothers who, despite challenges in the cutthroat San Francisco Chinese restaurant community, were able to bring their skills to Los Angeles’ Chinatown and create a staple within the Chinese community.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Erikson’s Theory of Life Stages Development: Analysis

Erikson’s Theory of Life Stages Development: Analysis Aminat Lawal TAQ 1: 2.1 Draw a table similar to the one below and identify the life stages from adolescence onwards in an individual’s life, showing the evidence for each of the stages (Balls, 2013) (Psyche100, 2012) (Stages, 2015) 2.2 Examine the evidence provided to support and dispute Erikson’s theory of life stage development. One of the strengths of the theory is that it gives an expansive framework from which to view development of a whole lifespan. Additionally, it permits us to underline the social nature of individuals and the vital impact that these social natures have on development. This was created mostly from Erikson’s broad field research with Native Americans, and afterwards from his clinical treatment works which was attached to driving mental health centres and universities. Over the years, psychologists have collected several information that backs the relationship between each stage and the corresponding age groups to affirm that, identifying and resolving the crisis serves to advance respect towards one’s self-esteem (Stages, 2015). A study that comprised of school children, their parents and teachers concentrated on the phase of industry versus mediocrity. The results of this study backed the idea of industry being legitimate for age group which demonstrates that an industry score positively connected with test scores and accomplishment in school (Stages, 2015). Many people claim that Erikson’s ideas are equivocal and regularly conflicting. Some people believe that the theory is more applicable to males than females and that, more consideration is paid to early stages in life and youth than the grown-up life (Cortland, 2015). There is also a discussion concerning whether individuals search for identity or character amid the youthful years or if one stage needs to happen before other stages can be completed. As a response, Erikson expressed that each of these courses of action happens all though a lifetime and also, emphasised on â€Å"stages† as it is at these times that the clashes get to be generally conspicuous. The lack of common sense fixing genuine issues stays a standout amongst the most criticisms of Erikson’s work to date, which is why there are just so few supporters of his work among current psychologists (Stages, 2015). Word: 842 TAQ 2: Essay: ‘Adolescence is a time of storm and stress’ Adolescence otherwise known as immaturity, portrays the early years somewhere around 13 and 19 of a youngster, and this is viewed as the transitional stage from youth to adulthood. Adolescence is regarded as a period of both bewilderment and discovery which is why it is said to raise certain issues and intense decisions with respect to school tasks, sexuality, social life including drugs and alcohol. (Today, 2015). One major reasons that youngsters find adolescence being a time of storm and stress is on the grounds that it is a period of quick physical improvement and profound passionate changes. They can be seen as exciting advancements but at the same time, uncomfortable for a child to his/her parent. Adolescence or the period of transition can be broken down into three stages; Early adolescence which usually comes around between 11 to 14 Middle adolescence which usually comes around between ages 15 to 17 Late adolescence which usually comes around between ages 18 to 21 (Children, 2014). Quick changes can occur both physically and emotionally at this stage of life. These changes are in combination with attending an educational institution, social time with friends which might bring about the use of drugs and consumption of alcohol (Psychiatrists, 2015). There are psychological and social tasks that take place between the ages of 11 to 21. Physical development: Otherwise known as puberty and Includes hormones and physical changes. The process of physical changes in the puberty stage of life begins continuously from around the age of 13 for males and 11 for females. Hormonal changes produce periods of tiredness and fretfulness. Changes in males include the growth of body, deeper voices, facial hair, wet dreams and erections and in females includes, growth of pubic hair in part of the body and menstrual periods. (Psychiatrists, 2015) Intellectual and emotional development: Majority of male and female youngsters enter puberty as yet observing their surroundings properly where, things are either right, wrong, magnificent or terrible. Youngsters seldom set their sights and minds past the present which clarifies more on the incapability to consider the effect of their actions. At the time most youngsters approach late adolescence, they acknowledge nuances of circumstances and thoughts an also properly work their way into the future. The ability for them to handle complex issues and to sense what other people are thinking would have honed significantly. However because they are still moderately unpractised in life, older adolescents use these new aptitudes inconsistently and consequently, may act without consideration. Emotional development demands that youngsters gradually eject themselves from their parents. There is more time spent with friends socially, less affection and love towards folks and pushing the limits. Youngsters as often as possible feel clashed about leaving the safety net of their homes. They might be need for a slight love and affection from their parent but, just as this happens, they turn away once more (Children, 2014). Additionally, when they test the consumption of alcohol and use of drugs socially alone, they are find themselves in a much more serious peril however, when warnings are issued from older adolescents, they are considered more important than when they come from parents (Psychiatrists, 2015). A teenager could be hit with a cluster of challenges at adolescence. Some of these challenges include emotional, sexual and behavioural problems. Signs of a teenager experiencing emotional storm or stress could include over-consumption of food, inordinate tiredness, and tenacious concern with ones appearance at all times. Tension may also create fears and frenzy assaults and due to this, studies carried out by psychologists recommends that enthusiastic issues are frequently not perceived even by the close relatives and friends of the suffering adolescent. Amid adolescence, most teenagers think so little of themselves in a way that proves life not worth living. The physical changes in adolescent ages brings could bring about sexual stress and issues to a few who are modest and those who don’t seek for information. On the other hand, some other teenagers express this issue with exorbitant gloating about their sexual experience and capacity. There is also the risk of pregnancy an d sexually transmitted diseases (HIV/AIDS) within the age of 16 as most teenagers are eager to have the experience (Psychiatrists, 2015). The understanding of adolescence is based on two approaches of comprehending human behaviour by Erik Erikson and Anna Freud. Erikson believed and concentrated on the dichotomy that is between personality formation and accomplishment of roles while Freud believed that psychological unsettling does influences that are connected with adolescence were biologically based and socially all inclusive. Regardless of their different views they accepted that adolescence was naturally a period of unsettling influence and psychological disarray. Freud believed that the psychological procedure of sexual development which begins with the functionality of sexual glands, does impact the psychological domain. As a result of this, there is an awakening of libidinal strengths which, thus, can lead to psychological disequilibrium. She believes that the following factors are involved in the conflict in adolescence; the strengths of the id drive which is controlled by psychological courses of action amid a dolescence, the self-ability to adapt or to respect instinctual strengths and the adequacy and nature of the safeguard techniques at the disposal of ego (King, 2004). Erikson portrays adolescence by the quickness of body development, genital development and sexual awareness. Also, he describes adolescence as the time amid when an individual must establish a character which is usually established in different ways according to different cultures and evade the dangers of part dissemination and identity disarray. During the time of development of vocational identity, certain role confusion comes around. The constructive result of personality crisis is reliant on a youngster’s readiness to acknowledge his past and build progression with their past encounters (King, 2004). Also as indicated, identity dissemination can prompt suicidal attempts however, once a personality is made, an adolescent cab proceed onward to discover closeness or detachment in interpersonal connections (King , 2004). According to Stanley Hall youngsters in late adolescence restate the condition of the initiation of modern civilization. His psychology did not see a human as the final product of a formative methodology, it only gave the room for further development (King, 2004). Word 997 TAQ 3: Explore one life event such as marriage, parenthood, divorce or bereavement that you, or someone you know, has experienced. Describe the event, keeping the information in the third person to keep the individual’s anonymity. At the age of 6 – 7, the life stage of Industry vs Inferiority, his parents fought a lot in his presence which usually began with a scream, noise and rage which resulted to tears from his mother. Fights went on for a while which resulted in their settlement for a divorce. He stayed with his mother while his father began to see someone else who had a wild social lifestyle of drugs, alcohol consumption and carelessness. After the case of custody, it was settled that he should spend a certain amount of days with his mother and rest with his father. His mother on the other hand had an authoritative style of parenting i.e., she was very strict and did not allow any sort of misbehaviour. This style of shared living went on until the age of 13 15, which is when the adolescent period comes along. The authoritative parenting style of his mother was not his favourite so, he enjoyed spending more time at his father’s and his new partner. The wild lifestyle of his father’s new partner began to reflect on his adolescent age as a result of the much time he spent there and the thought of freedom away from his mother’s strict parenting. According to Erikson’s theory, his life stage falls under identity vs role confusion which is where he is to learn the roles he will be indulged in as a grown up. It is also amid this stage of life that his personality will define who he is (McLeod, 2013). He had exposed himself to the possibility of freedom and formed an identity based on the lifestyle of his father’s new partner. He suffered from role confusion as he was unsure of where he fitted in the society because of the shared moments between a strict mother, and a carefree father. Word 306 References Balls, B., 2013. eriksons psychosocial development theory. [Online] Available at: http://www.businessballs.com/erik_erikson_psychosocial_theory.htm [Accessed 02 Febuary 2015]. Children, H., 2014. Ages and Stages. [Online] Available at: http://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/teen/Pages/Stages-of-Adolescence.aspx [Accessed 03 Febuary 2015]. Cortland, 2015. Erik Eriksons 8 Stages of PsychosocialDevelopment. [Online] Available at: http://web.cortland.edu/andersmd/ERIK/crit.HTML [Accessed 02 February 2015]. King, R. M., 2004. Kings Psychology Network. [Online] Available at: http://www.psyking.net/id183.htm [Accessed 04 February 2015]. McLeod, S., 2013. Simply Psychology. [Online] Available at: http://www.simplypsychology.org/Erik-Erikson.html [Accessed 05 February 2015]. Psyche100, 2012. Eriksons 8 Stages Of Life Span Development.. [Online] Available at: http://www.cram.com/flashcards/eriksons-8-stages-of-life-span-development-2143446 [Accessed 02 Febuary 2015]. Psychiatrists, R. C. o., 2015. MENTAL HEALTH AND GROWING UP FACTSHEET. [Online] Available at: http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/healthadvice/parentsandyouthinfo/parentscarers/adolescence.aspx [Accessed 03 February 2015]. Stages, E. P., 2015. Erik Eriksons Psychosocial Theory. [Online] Available at: http://eriksonspsychosocialstages.wikispaces.com/Erik+Eriksons+Psychosocial+Theory [Accessed 2015 February 2015]. Today, P., 2015. Adolescence. [Online] Available at: https://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/adolescence [Accessed 03 February 2015]. Project Design of ABC Corporation: Security Assessment Project Design of ABC Corporation: Security Assessment ABC Corporation Computer Network Organization ABC Corporation is a big brokering company which is founded in China and has a workforce of about 9,000 situated over different office branches distributed all over. The corporation is setup in Los Angeles. The people that sets up the corporations branch in Los Angeles that helps with the current system which they want it to be dependable, quick, secure and will satisfy any future prerequisites of the organization. The implementation of this system is to offer the following platforms: cloud computing, distributed computing and centralized computing in the network which supposed to be a secure computer network system. Purpose: The purpose if this security assessment report is to provide a documentation outlining security gaps and vulnerabilities the project design of ABC Corporation may have experience and may be a threat to corporate security policies of ABC Corporation. The management will be required to allocate the necessary resources to correct any problems and gaps in its project design security. The management may also decide to accept the risk, since its already an informed risk or a reward analysis. This will make sure that the necessary security controls will work best for ABC company and are integrated into the IT design of ABC company. Scope: The scope is to cover all aspects of the Computer Network Design project since it is aimed at creating a risk free Network System. It will cover both vulnerabilities, risks and security gaps that can be a threat due to insider dealings (people working in the company who might have any malicious intentions) and threats that may come from the outside (people who are part of the workforce) to people who might use these vulnerabilities and security gaps if they come to learn their existence. People that works for the organization is a threat to the organizations computer network design project as those from the outside the fact that they are more accustomed to the working of the system they pose as a much greater threat. Data The ABC Corporation has built a LAN and a WAN system program that can help the association to develop a more extensive network system that can boost the financial frameworks which has more benefits and will deal in the forthcoming years. The ABC Corporation LAN have a topology of frameworks trading contraptions which is to work as switches in the center. They are appropriated and can get to the layers that can indicate the structure jointly with a set up plan. They put all the gadgets together. This technique will redesign the system presentation and dispose not so important interconnections at the same time providing flexibility. At the end of the network, the ABC Corporation has different edge switches. They are to be utilized for Web Access Provider (ISP) Openness, Intrusion Prevention Systems and Firewalls that are deliberate to changes and other square intruders which can offer the use and end gadget framework. This system is designed to assist the partnership specialists with employing any new applications that are urgent and the most efficient operation of new preparation plans for the organization deals and constraints. Methodology Although there are different methodologies of conducting a Security Assessment Report, the best methodologies for ABC Company are the ones that was used to access the vulnerability of ABC Computer Network Design and the risks that company may face. The following methodologies were used to access the security state of ABC Computer Network Design: Requirement study and situation analysis: The situation of the ABC Computer Network Design was analyzed using the wireshark program. Document review: Documents recorded by IT personnel were also reviewed for any information that may be suspicious regarding manipulation of the Computer Network Design of ABC Company. Risk identification: Risk identification was mainly done by using the wireshark program, which analyzed the activities that was going on in the network of a given computer design. Data analysis: Data that stored in the computer network due to previous activities that were conducted within the computer network that has analyzed for any suspicious data that may be due to security gaps in the computer network design of ABC Company. Vulnerability scan: A scan that is conducted in the Computer Network Design to cite any vulnerable in the computer network of ABC company that may pose as a threat. Findings The risk levels of ABC Computer Network were high and the vulnerability described as a critical. This is mainly based on the following findings after the scan of the ABC Computer Network: There were many ports which were open and these ports could be used by hackers to get access into the Computer Network. Most of these hackers are malicious individuals that may send viruses and malwares into the Computer Network or use these privileges acquired to exploit the system. The remote host of the Computer Network was seen to be running on a computer with an OS of Windows version. This computer had a fault in its RPC interface, 98 netbios-ssn and 10 microsoft-ds. The flaw can give a hacker an access to execute some arbitrary codes making them to acquire privileges of the computer system. This weakness can also be utilized by a worm and give an ability to control the host. Some suspicious activities in the Computer Network were also noticed. An example of this was an activity from an unknown user who was using an unidentified OS with a mac address 00:ff:eb:48:41:88 (unknown). All unknown users are supposed to be flagged immediately until their identities is known. In addition to these risks and vulnerabilities identified, insider intimidation also poses a risk to ABC Corporation. Individuals working from within the corporation are a potent a threat to the computer network as risks from the outside. The corporation should choose to care if any of its employees might be using commerce information malevolently for their own benefits. Results After assessment of the security situation of the ABC Company Computer Network Design, there were found to be some security gaps which need to be addressed by the management. These gaps are known by a malicious party that would pose as vulnerable to the computer design of ABC Company Computer Network Design. Since the system administrators have full access of the entire system, they should do a follow up on risks and vulnerabilities. The network administrators would be the best to do the follow up on security gaps identified. Labs    The computer that I scanned was WINATK01 with IP address The transmission control protocol is a service that links and works between an application program sending information and the internet protocol. It also provides host-to-host connectivity at the internet models transport layer. The transmission control protocol can detect any problem at the lower levels of the transport layers such as poor network connectivity and network congestion.   There are several vulnerabilities as far as transmission control protocol (TCP) is concerned. The two most used attacks are denial of service whereby the attackers use spoofed IP address and connection hijacking whereas the hacker can eavesdrop on an on-going transmission and takes over one of the receiving ends and goes on with the communication as if is the original recipient. Findings The scan was done using Wireshark vulnerability assessment tool. The following are the transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) discovered; TCP and HTTP. The scan further revealed that there was a security communication provided by the security data transport methods especially contained in MySQL. The components of MySQL are; Connectors (Connector/C, Connector/J, and so forth) MySQL Proxy Communication between master and slave replication servers MySQL proxy is a very vital component which encrypts and compresses information end-to-end for proper security optimization to prevent and avoid possible attacks. MySQL protocal also aids in data transmission just as the TCP. Conclusion In conclusion, the network system that analyzed above was found to be effective in information transmission between the different sources and destinations. The security status was also found to be superb with an end to end encryption provided by the proxy in MySQL. Thus, the vulnerability status can be concluded to be at minimum and attackers cannot easily manipulate their ways to attack the network systems. Recommended safeguards The management should there are no ends left unguarded with firewalls and any other programs which would make the network inaccessible from any unauthorized parties from the outside. The dealings of internal workers too should be closely supervised to make sure employees do not use the system malevolently for their own benefits. The network administrators should also look closely to the network system frequently to make sure that there are no ports left open or no suspicious activities take place either due to internal dealing or from outside of the network.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Grapes of Wrath :: essays research papers

If you consider Ma Joad concrete then consider Pa limestone...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, shows a whole family and their struggles. The grapes of Wrath is modeled after a biblical reference to the Israelites, god ¹s chosen people. They also left their land, Egypt, and wandered into the desert for many years,searching in vain for a promised land, the land of milk and honey. A lot like the Israelites, many farmers in the middle of the country began migrating to California. The Joads I believe had no choice but to leave the dust bowl to find work. They also had to cross the desert and lost the life of Grandma Joad in the process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the depression the Joads ¹ farm was foreclosed. Them and all around them were driven from their land. The depression caused all to be extremely poor. If this hadn ¹t been the case the migrants would have all made it to the west coast a lot easier.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The country set itself up during the depression in a way that caused only a vicious circle. The country was in a rut and held itself there. Steinbeck was trying to capture an average depression swept family. In this search he created the Joads.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Banks began to foreclose on farms and people became homeless. The losses of everything they owned caused people to have no choice. The only way was to leave. They were driven from their land.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A difficult struggle lied ahead for the people. They left with everything they owned. There was so little, they strapped it onto, usually to a rundown old pick-up truck. With Steinbeck trying to show the real life issues intermitanly introduced all the political aspects and outlooks of the depression. He would, in odd chapters, show the aspects that lay for everyone, not just the Joads. Stein beck often showed the prejudice and hatred for the migrants. Somewhere around the middle of the book an  ³okie ² family stops at a roadside 66 truck stop. They are hoping to buy some bread with the mere money they have rationed. The waitress is very bitter and tries to get rid of the man. She turns down his needs for a half a loaf of bread. her boss turns and reprimands her. The man is sold a small amount of bread for his money. The man turns to see his little boys gazing at the candy case.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Human development Essay

Human development entails all means to widen man’s preferences so he could sustain a healthy lifestyle, enjoy human rights, experience the normal way of living, and discover ways to become useful for the service of others and for his own esteem. Similarly, he can enjoy living a contented life enjoying the privilege of having political, cultural, communal, and economical liberties. Human development has its own justification. If at some point one’s development is questioned or criticized or discriminated against, so long as one does not interfere with other people’s lives nor deprive them of their own happiness, one owes nobody an explanation for what he does, for who he is and how he has become. In order to pull off this human development, he may seek some channels to build up his entire being. Socialization can be one of those channels wherein such channel will give them a sense of being in the right place and eventually develop and become the right person they wanted to be. Socialization can never be done it is composed of only one person. You have to meet people who may share the same the interests, cultures, norms, ideals, talents, or other similar stuff that you can relate to. To develop fully as individual, one must discover his or her potentials and share them to others. Of course, socializing entails hardships in managing time and adjusting to a group of people. But then, if you love the group you are in or are interested of improving yourself, all these problems could not possibly overshadow your development as a human being. Man’s socialization skills therefore are essential in his development as a person. If he uses his socialization skills to the fullest, he may become unaware of the extent that his socialization skills would take him if developed. If he learns to discover and harness such, he will undoubtedly provide himself with a huge room to completely grow as a human being.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Causes and spread of infection

You need to understand the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites; this also covers cell structure and growth pathogens. 1. 2 Common Illnesses and Infections Include bacteria for example tuberculosis, MRS., tetanus, gangrene, Legionnaires ‘disease, salmonella and conjunctivitis. Viruses like winter vomiting disease, measles, mumps, chickenpox, HIVE, Hepatitis B, warts and influenza.Fungal infections a few examples of these are thrush, ringworm and athlete's foot and finally arise infestations like scabies, lice, head lice, fleas, threadbare and roundworm. 1. 3 Infection is Microorganisms transmitted to host's cells, tissues or body cavities they might but do not always cause illness. Infectious diseases are transmissible from one individual to another. Colonization means to cause infection organisms colonies cells and tissues and compete with normal micro-flora in order to multiply to a level which causes harm.Finally non- pathogenic microorganisms colonies the skin, oral cavity, colon to form the normal micro-flora; they do not normally cause disease ND may be beneficial. 1. 4 Systemic Infection affects whole system of the body, whereas localized Infection affects a specific area of the body. 1. 5 Poor practices that may lead to the spread of infection includes poor personal hygiene, failure to wear the correct PEP, inadequate cleaning, poor hand washing, reuse of UN-sterilized equipment and failure to follow procedure. 2. Understand the transmission of infection 2. Conditions needed for the growth of micro-organisms are optimum temperature, moisture, nutrients, gases and time. 2. Ways an infective agent might enter the body can be Entry/ exit routes including: nose by inhalation, mouth by ingestion, rectum, urinary tract, eyes, broken skin, unbroken skin, genital tract, body fluids route and blood by Inoculation. 2. 3 Common sources of Infection Include body fluids for example vomit, tears, breast milk, semen, vaginal secretions, uri ne, blood, mouth or nose secretions, sweat, sputum, droplets spread by sneezing and coughing; food; water: air-borne and also carried by insects or animals. . 4 Infective agents can be reanimated directly from person to person in body fluids or on hands. Indirectly can be transmitted via contaminated water, food, animals, insects, objects, dust etc.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Address Your Elders, Your Doctor, Young Children… and Your CEO

How to Address Your Elders, Your Doctor, Young Children†¦ and Your CEO How to Address Your Elders, Your Doctor, Young Children and Your CEO How to Address Your Elders, Your Doctor, Young Children and Your CEO By Michael Sonia asked us for tips on writing effective office emails, especially when addressing medical doctors, CEOs, your elders (those older than you), and your juniors (those younger than you). Should your salutation be, Dear Bill, Dear Dr. Williams, Mr. Ramirez: or Hi Bob? If youre as old as me, you were never taught in school how to address email messages, because email hadnt been invented yet. But you were taught something about etiquette and respect. Still, customs and expectations change, and depending on the circumstance, any of those salutations might be correct. Here are some general principles (with an American slant) for salutations in letters or emails, following on our article How to Format a US Business Letter. Honor your addressees. In a day of spam and junk mail, its a privilege for someone else to be willing to read your correspondence. You need to believe that. Dont be proud or lazy when you write a letter or email. Choose a salutation that will make your recipient feel honored. If you are writing to a superior or an elder, you would generally begin your email with Dear Mr. Jones or Mr. Jones,. Email is inherently less formal than a paper letter, so Mr. Jones: (with a colon) is less common. Match the formality of your addressees. If youre replying to an email from one of your peers (someone who isnt a person of authority), you can often take your cue from how the sender addressed you. Since publicists often greet me in emails with, Hi Michael, I always reply to them with, Hi Vijay or Hi Amanda. Dont make your addressees feel old. My parents, who were raised in the Old South (USA), taught me to address older people as Sir and Maam, to use Mr. or Mrs. and to never call older people by their first names. So what does that mean? That when you call me Sir, you probably think Im old!Of course, Americans are less formal than other nationalities. In many other cultures, age is rightfully respected, and its an honor to be treated as older. But American peers (people of your own age or position) might consider Mr. or Mrs. overly formal. Children enjoy feeling older. As a child, I was tickled to receive letters from my grandmother (born before 1900) addressed to Master Michael Moser. But usually, you address those younger than yourself by their first name. Pay attention to the email signature. It will include titles that your recipient wants you to note. If his email signature, at the end of his message, says, Richard McManus, MD, it means hes reminding you that hes a medical doctor, so make sure you call him, Dr. Manus. If it says, Brig. Gen. Robert Watson USAF (Ret.), call him, General Watson. People spend years of hard work earning such titles, and dont cast them off lightly. Abbreviations for other doctorates include PhD and LLD call them all Dr. The initials DD mean Doctor of Divinity and you sometimes address their bearers as Rev. (short for Reverend) instead of Dr (short for Doctor). Other military abbreviations include Col. (Colonel), Maj. (Major), and Lt. (Lieutenant). Treat them dearly, if you think they would appreciate it. I was taught in school to begin all letters with Dear. Thats especially appropriate if you want to communicate warmth or affection. For some business emails, such as those to strangers or adversaries, the salutation Dear is not credible. They know that you dont feel affection for them, and they dont feel affection for you. On the other hand, calling someone Dear can help build warmth and affection, and sometimes can help defuse an angry exchange. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Is She a "Lady" or a "Woman"?The Letter "Z" Will Be Removed from the English AlphabetUsing "zeitgeist" Coherently

Monday, November 4, 2019

MBA Marketing - Report 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

MBA Marketing - Report 3 - Essay Example Starbucks is known as the largest purchaser of the real coffee beans (Coffee.org). Starbucks has conceived its logo from Greek mythology. A woman like creature that dwells in deep seas or a mermaid with twin tail represents the logo of the company. Starbucks follows strong ethical standards for delivering the best coffee experience to its customers around the globe. The coffee beans are selected using the best of the selection techniques followed by high quality roasting techniques. The perfect blend of flavor and quality is what every cup of beverage at Starbucks deliver. The ambience of Starbucks is suitable for groups of friends and family who want to enjoy a casual drink with light snack. Those who want to spend some quiet time with themselves or a good book also choose their nook at Starbucks. Starbucks wants to establish itself as the top suppliers of coffee while ensuring that its aims and goals are not compromised. At Starbucks, the employees are treated with dignity and regarded as the heart of the company. The customers of Starbucks are treated in the best possible way so as to win their loyalty and satisfaction. Halevy (2011) suggested that for maintaining premium quality standards, the coffee is purchased from the finest of the farms and delivered to the customers after passing through the modern roasting and grounding methods. The company has global presence which it cherishes. Starbucks knows that its sole aim is to make profits while ensuring a satisfactory market share and customer response. Starbucks wishes to be known as an environmentally responsible company so it offers recyclable cups and active participation in community and social events, majority of which are targeted at environment safety. According to Bowhill (2008), PESTEL analysis gives the company a very clear idea of the external environment where it wishes to carry its operations so that it could clearly

Saturday, November 2, 2019

General Information about Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

General Information about Germany - Essay Example These developments and continued advancement of infrastructure have enormous impacts on the outlook of Germany as a nation, (Arther 23). Agriculture in Germany has attained extensive explosion in productivity in the past few years. Agricultural development has succeeded in producing increasingly effective while becoming increasingly ecologically compatible. Agricultural development has been due to technological advancement and utilization of state-of-art machine that needs a skilled and trained workforce, which has boosted agricultural production in many areas. Germany agriculture has attained a crucial aspect that enabled the use of new technological advances. Similarly, agriculture and forestry have achieved substantial success for Germany population wishing to work with biodiversity. In addition, new money banking corporations ate emerging in the energetic and crucial recycling of natural materials. Newly emerging rural fields are differentiated by various economic activities. For estry and agriculture is part of Germany economy, society, and environment and acts as indispensable associates to solve new global limitations (food security, protection of climate and reliable supplies of energy). Similarly, the Common Germany Agricultural Policy has gone through various reforms to react to changing economic needs and societal requirements and expectations. Today, the CAP benefits the Germany societies by promoting the production of secure and increased quality agricultural products and food, thus, supporting the sustenance of prosperous rural populations and providing incentives to protect farmers and the environment, (Frase 45). Similarly, Common Agricultural Policy faces some limitations like increasing globalization, increasing environmental challenges (availability of water, climate change and quality and loss of biodiversity), increased price volatility and issues of food insecurity.